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The Fallible Man’s Ultimate Guide to Sabotaging YOUR 2024 Resolutions

Welcome to another empowering episode of The Fallible Man Podcast! In this edition, we unravel the secrets to making 2024 your most extraordinary year yet. From ditching the need to impress others to bidding farewell to toxic relationships, we dissec...

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The Fallible Man Podcast

Welcome to another empowering episode of The Fallible Man Podcast! In this edition, we unravel the secrets to making 2024 your most extraordinary year yet. From ditching the need to impress others to bidding farewell to toxic relationships, we dissect eight critical habits that may be hindering your path to success. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the pitfalls of imaginary problems and the liberation that comes from forging your own path without seeking permission.


In this episode, you'll discover:

  • Authenticity Over Approval: Learn why trying to impress others can hinder your personal growth and how embracing authenticity is the key to unlocking your true potential.
  • The Power of Your Inner Circle: Understand the impact of the company you keep and why surrounding yourself with empowering individuals is crucial for a remarkable year.
  • Mindset Shifts for Mental Clarity: Uncover the art of letting go of imaginary problems and adopting a mindset that focuses on real solutions, reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.
  • Financial Empowerment: Explore practical strategies to break free from financial struggles and take control of your money, setting the stage for a prosperous 2024.


Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we guide you towards breaking free from the habits that might be holding you back and setting the stage for your journey to an extraordinary 2024. Don't just survive; thrive! Subscribe now and embark on the path to becoming the best version of yourself.


 The video version of this show is available on YouTube after 3 PM the day it is released https://www.youtube.com/@thefalliblemanpodcast

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[00:00:00] Brace yourself for the ultimate guide to sabotaging your 2024 resolutions. From snoozing through your alarms to befriending procrastination, we're diving deep into the don'ts of the new year. Buckle up, because if you're ready to kiss your best 2024 goodbye, we've got the road map right here just for you.

Tune in, learn how to still steer clear of success with our cautionary tales and avoidable wonders. If it's a countdown to chaos, you won't, well, you won't misstep on this show.

Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential? Growing to the men we dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves? Well, that's the big question. In this podcast, we'll help you answer those questions and more.

My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man Podcast. [00:01:00] The Fallible Man's Ultimate Guide to Sabotaging Your 2024 Resolutions. It's time to dive headfirst in the habits that can make or break your year. That's right. We're going in different directions this year. Brace yourself for an eye opening journey as we uncover eight crucial mistakes that you want to make if you're serious about really blowing your 2024.

I mean, if you want to have a remarkable year, these are not it. All right, this, this is the opposite of that. This is how you have a crap year for 2024. From toxic relationships to self sabotaging behaviors, man, we got all covered right here. So we've got the roadmap of how to absolutely blow your 2024.

You're not going to want to miss this. I promise this is the way you don't get it done. So if you're totally, totally without ambition or looking to just like sabotage your year, I've [00:02:00] got the crucial habits you've got to practice here. So get ready to break free from success and actually doing something with your life.

And dive into mediocrity and crash year. By the way, my name is Brent and welcome to the fallible man podcast. Your home for all things, man, big shout out the fallible nation. That's our private community. There's more about that in the show notes or description, whatever platform you're on. And a warm welcome to our first time listeners.

Hey, this show is going to be a little different. So thanks for checking us out. We know your time is precious and you only have so many times to do with it. So be sure to leave us a note, drop us a review or reach out to us at the fowl man on, on pretty much every social media platform and, uh, let us know what you thought of the show on our last show, we dove into how to have your best 2024 with my good friend, Alex and Filippo by getting clear and niche down on your goals for the new year on exactly what you want to do and [00:03:00] accomplish.

Now that only works if you don't do certain things. Now we're going to go to the opposite of that. And we're talking about bad habits, like snoozing your alarm. It really is a horrible habit to be in just for your overall health and wellbeing. But that's a whole nother discussion are going through your tasks mindlessly.

These things will absolutely contribute to you having a crappy year. So here it is for you. The eight cardinal rules, if you wanna sabotage your new year, whether it's 20 20, 24, 20 20, 24, that's good English. Whether it's 2024 or 2025, whatever year that you just really wanna sink. This is how you do it.

Number one, try to impress people. You've got to try so important in a world obsessed with external validation. This is a powerful truth bomb. The incessant need to impress others can be the ultimate roadblock roadblock for [00:04:00] personal growth. And if you're trying not to, this is how you do it. Confusing in a society that encourage us to believe that social acceptance is power.

I mean, we all know the most important things are that like button, right? Be sure and click that. We know that that's the important things. We've got to get those likes. We've got to get those loves. That's what matters, right? Having other people actually think we're something special, even if you've got to bankrupt yourself to look important and special right now, the real power, and this is what you want to avoid is.

Not being worried about that. See, the problem is, 99. 9 percent of people don't actually give a flying crap about you. They don't even think about you. Now, for some of us, that's going to break our hearts, because we all know that it's a popularity contrast. But when you walk into a [00:05:00] place, the people there aren't thinking about you.

And they couldn't care less. In fact, the majority of people there are so focused on their own life. They'll barely notice or acknowledge you. That doesn't matter if it's the gym, a restaurant, or anywhere else you go. And you know, if you want to be successful, that will be really beneficial for you because finding the freedom that comes with just being authentically you and dancing to your own tune is a surefire way to be successful.

So impressing yourself, that's something to be successful. But the people who actually care about you, the ones that really matter, they're going to support you no matter what you do, but nothing will shoot your dreams down faster. Like, you know, seeking the approval of the ambivalent masses that don't actually know you are care and probably will never interact with you.

So if you're trying [00:06:00] to deep six 2024 or beyond, this is key. Keep trying to impress people. Number two, spending time with weak people, personal development guru. Uh, Jim Rohn is attributed with the idea of the concept of you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. While there's probably a lot of accuracy in the sentiment, it goes further than that because it's the garbage you feed yourself through news, social media, and other sources that also impact you.

However, let's start with people because, you know, that's what we're talking about today is people. Well, maybe we'll see. One of the best things I've done in recent years that's really been helpful for my success and reaching my goals is to become part of a mastermind of people who work. In the similar trajectory to my own, we all have our own things that we do, but we're all entrepreneurs working in the digital space on impacting people in a positive way.

It [00:07:00] can be a really lonesome space. Most people don't understand the ups and downs and the intricacies of it, the cost mentally and emotionally. And so without support, it will absolutely just pummel you and grind you up. I know a lot of guys who burn out of the space really quickly. Now I share this because this is such a profound impact on me personally.

But I know for a fact that finding people who are having the conversations you want to be a part of, finding people who solve problems, that will help you be successful. If you want to sabotage Deep Six, your 2024, hang around people who cry about their problems, people who are stuck in the past. People who fixate on the problem and are completely negative, right?

All those glass half empty, it's a crappy life kind of people who are just focused on all of the misfortunes and personal spites imagined are real that it [00:08:00] happened against them. And that's what they see those people hanging out with those people literally will just deep six your year and send you into a crappy unproductive year.

That's your crowd right there to have a lousy 2024 crabs in a bucket. Quite literally. I used to think it was like an actual, like just saying, right. I was like, Oh, I actually found a video of it and watch the video. Crabs in a bucket will literally pull down the guys that are trying to escape. Other crowds are trying to get out and the crabs in the bucket, just keep pulling them back down.

And right. This is quite literally the crowd you want to hang out with if you want to be miserable and have a crappy year. So negative, miserable people. They do the same thing, even sometimes in the name of good intentions, which is really funny. But if you want to have a great 20, 20, 24, 20, 20, 24, how many times can I say that one show?

Be sure and keep count. Someone put that in the comments, [00:09:00] say goodbye to 2024 and ride with the crabs. If you want a deep six or 24, I promise that is a surefire way to fail. Number three, keep suffering from imaginary problems. Have you ever found yourself caught in a web of unnecessary worry and stress?

My dad used to tell me that 99 percent of things people worry about never actually happened. Now, no disrespect to dad. I'm not sure where he got that percentage or if that percentage is accurate. My dad had some great sayings, but like a lot of us men, sometimes he pulled numbers out of errors. He might've actually looked that up.

I don't know. But regardless, the lesson is actually very practical. So there are a lot of people in the world who make up shit to worry about. Like they just make up things. It's amazing. They imagine situations that prevent them from moving forward. Uh, we like to imagine worst case scenarios and then use them to justify inaction, mediocrity, fear, complacency, [00:10:00] procrastination.

That is absolutely the way to crush 2024 in the most horrible way possible. Like if you just want to totally sink your year, just keep imagining and making up shit that's not really happened in these imaginary problems. And I promise you will have zero success in 2024. Number four, keep asking permission.

Permission seeking can be a silent dream killer. I mean, coughing

Number four, keep asking permission. Permission seeking can be a silent dream killer. I mean, just give up now if you're gonna wait for someone to tell you, you can succeed at your dreams. Because it's never gonna happen, so this is the route to go. The fact is, the only [00:11:00] permission you need to live a successful, purpose filled, passionate life is your own.

It'd be really nice if you get your spouse slash partner on board, if that's a factor for you in your life, but it's not actually required. They don't have to come along for you to live your best life. Living as your best self in your best life only requires the decision to do so and the fortitude to pursue it.

So asking permission will absolutely crush this possibility because there's only a handful of people in your life who will ever truly want you to succeed and outgrow them or grow past their own life. That list is tiny. So keep asking for permission and you're certain to sabotage any 2024 dreams.

Number 5. Be the supporting actor. Like, this is, this is king right here, okay? There's only a handful of sidekicks in history that are truly memorable, [00:12:00] right? Alfred is one of them, for Batman. Now, don't go down, Robin doesn't count. He was so forgettable, they actually changed out Batman's sidekick multiple times, and he had different sidekicks, guys, girls, and even a stinking dog.

So, not really memorable. Tonto! For the Lone Ranger, if you're old enough for that one. Watson was critical to Holmes. And for you real nerds just like me, Frank is actually what make Hawkeye funny in M. A. S. H. Now, sitting here, I'm actually trying to think of more examples, and I'm out of examples without doing some research.

Are you playing second fiddle in your own life? If you step up and take the leading role, and take charge of your narrative, uh, you'll be successful. Like, that will change things drastically for you. Don't get me wrong, support the really important people in your life. But don't be the [00:13:00] supporting actor in their story if you want to achieve your goals.

It's your life, it's your story, but there's a lot of people content to live small in someone else's story without ever actually stepping up. And that's great as long as you want to play low key. If you don't want to be the lead, if you want to just sit back in the shadows and never actually achieve the things you want to do, bam, that's it.

Keep playing supporting actor in somebody else's story, because trust me, it's a lot easier to make your own story great when you have good supporting actors and they need people to do that. So please keep doing that. If you don't want to reach your goals, that's it. Okay. No one cares about Frank Burns.

They even replaced him later seasons with another person to antagonize Hawkeye. The only one who actually cared about Frank was hot lips, but we all know who Hawkeye Pierce was. If we're ever a certain age, I [00:14:00] guess I'm probably dating myself there, but keep it up. Keep playing that supporting actor. I promise 2024, 2024.

There's another one. We'll just be screen sucking. Yes. Keep screen sucking. If you want to go nowhere in life, this is the ultimate age for you in an age of constant digital distractions. It's easy to fall into a black hole of mindless scrolling and what better way to make sure you don't achieve anything.

It comes in so many different flavors this way. Like it puts Baskin Robbins to shame, right? You got movies, streaming service, online gaming, offline gaming, YouTube, Twitch, only fans, you've got them on computer screens, tablets, cell phones, watches. You got social media, you got VR glasses. It's insane.

There's a screen of your choosing and preference that you could equip with whatever flavor of distraction you readily like and want [00:15:00] anywhere you want to be. Like it's great. This is the age of getting jack squat done. Getting away from it has actually become a skill that takes work. So this is the golden goose to crush any forward progress in 2024, because this is the norm and it's so easy.

And you actually have to work at not getting screen sucked in. So keep sucking in screens. If you have no ambition of 2024, you want to make sure you're right where you are next year. Man, this is the key. Stay on in screens. I promise, that's absolutely the way to Deep Six life. Number seven. Keep eating light crap.

Your body's a temple, or maybe it's a playground. It depends on how you treat it. And what you fill it with matters. And if you want to trash 2024, then keep putting trash in your system. If you're old enough to [00:16:00] know the difference between diesel and gas engines, yeah, pour that diesel fuel right into that unleaded.

See how that goes. Put it in your hybrid. I promise, it makes it run even better. Be really careful. That was a joke, don't sue me. Be really careful making mindful choices about what you eat can boost your energy, improve your mood, and lay the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant you in the coming year.

And we don't want that, right? We're just going to stay where we are. We're going to be uncomfortable. We're not going to excel. It will save you all kinds of time to eat healthier and you'll have all kinds of time for progress if you eat healthier. So, you know, keep putting that trash in because fighting off those foodborne illnesses.

associated with too much food, low quality food choices, crappy sugar and processed substances. I mean, you might actually have to [00:17:00] do something impactful with your life if you make good food choices. So keep putting that crap in your body. I mean, just look it up online. It's amazing what you can Google these days, right?

Look at all those yummy diseases we look forward to in our later years. By eating a bunch of trash, right? I guarantee that will like suck all the time out of your life or anything extra. And so if you want to trash 2024. Keep doing that because you'll be too busy seeing doctors and taking drugs. Number eight, being broke.

Keep being broke. That's, I mean, that is like the guarantee that you will not succeed, right? Financial wellness is a cornerstone of successful life in this world. So screw the side hustles, extra jobs, hard work, and all the streams of different income that you could possibly set up. You see how wealthy people are treated.

Like, people expect something from the financially strong. So, hey, why be that way? Money's the root of [00:18:00] all evil. Isn't that the thing they say being financially fit improves the likelihood of a stable marriage and lowers the chances of divorce by like 50%. So the number one divorce killer, it decreases the likelihood of suicidal thoughts in men to be financially stable.

And you know, who, who wants to fix mental health? So, you know, you don't want your kid growing up spoiled or something. And anything is now let's face it. It's better to avoid all the money, the money altogether. It's just, it will not make your life. Stay the same having that financial stability will totally change the way 2024 looks and you don't want that That's why you're here.

You want to know how to deep six 2024 guys as we wrap up this ultimate guide to Sabotaging your 2024 remember the power to shape your 2034 lies in your hands Embrace these habits that hold you back and crush the potential that waits for [00:19:00] you Like it will absolutely wipe out your 2024 in all seriousness, guys, I poked a lot of fun Wanting to come at this from a slightly different angle than I normally do.

Don't let all this nonsense rush crush next year The biggest tragedy for the end of 2024 would be to be exactly where you are now One year from today.

It's tongue in cheek. Please don't take any of this serious do the opposite of these things I'm recommending to you If you want a more successful 2024, go back and check out the episode I did with Alex. Alex is incredible at executing and achieving the goals he sets for himself. That's why I brought him on to talk to you guys, go the opposite way.

These eight things will absolutely ruin your 2024 and beyond. [00:20:00] And I hate to see that. That's not why you're actually here. I want to just have a little fun. So join us here at the Fallible Man Podcast in pursuit of an extraordinary 2024, where success, fulfillment, and growth are not just goals, but a way of life.

We're going to continue to bring you extraordinary experts with real world ideas, advice, and actionable takeaways to help you live the life you want to live in season five, just like we have in the last several seasons. Take action today and embark on a journey to the spectacular you from those of us here at the fallible man.

Happy new year. Let's crush it in 2024 and be better tomorrow because of what you do today. And we'll see on the next one are in the new year. This has been the fallible man podcast, your home for everything, man, husband, and father. Be sure to subscribe. So you don't miss the show. Head over to www.

thefallibleman. com for more content. And get your own [00:21:00] Valuable Man Gear.