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Practical Wisdom: 10 stoic habits to practice in 2024

Embark on a transformative journey with "The Fallible Man Podcast" as we present the ultimate guidebook for personal mastery amidst the tumultuous landscape of 2024. Consider this episode a collection of cheat codes for a more purposeful life, diving...

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The Fallible Man Podcast

Embark on a transformative journey with "The Fallible Man Podcast" as we present the ultimate guidebook for personal mastery amidst the tumultuous landscape of 2024. Consider this episode a collection of cheat codes for a more purposeful life, diving into the timeless Stoic principles that can illuminate your path through uncertainties. Host Brent introduces 10 Stoic habits that serve as life hacks for making 2024 way better, revealing practical wisdom often realized too late in life.

In this episode, Brent, your guide through practical wisdom, explores Stoic habits like living in the present, accepting what you can't control, and choosing your perspective. From self-discipline and embracing change to material pursuits and managing emotions, each habit is a key to unlocking personal growth and fulfillment. As we navigate through ancient wisdom that still resonates today, join us on this journey towards a more resilient, purpose-driven life. Be inspired by a heartfelt listener review, reflecting the profound impact of this podcast on self-improvement and healing. Take a moment to reflect on these Stoic habits – they're not just words; they're your everyday life superheroes. Add a dash of these timeless ideas to your 2024 and be better tomorrow because of what you do today. Thanks for hanging out with us on "The Fallible Man Podcast." U 🎧✨ #StoicWisdom #LifeHacks2024 #FallibleManPodcast


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[00:00:00] Amid the crazy ever changing landscape of 2024, because let's admit it, it's starting out to be a pretty wild ride this year. I want to present with you to you the ultimate guidebook for personal mastery. Think of it as a collection of cheat codes for a more purposeful life. Join us on this journey of discovery.

As we look at some stoic principles that can illuminate your path through all these crazy uncertainties from staying in the moment to being disciplined, handling changes like a boss. These habits will help you navigate to be your best life ever. And it doesn't change it. These are evergreen principles that have been around for ages beyond you and I understood the test time, but I promise they will help you.

If you adapt them into your life, let's get into it.

Here's the million dollar question. How do men like us reach our full potential growing to the men [00:01:00] we dream of being while taking care of our responsibilities, working, being good husbands, fathers, and still take care of ourselves. Well, that's the big question in this podcast. We'll help you answer those questions and more.

My name is Brent and welcome to the Fallible Man podcast.

What's up guys. Welcome back to another episode of the Fallible Man podcast. And today we're diving into something really cool. Practical wisdom. We'll be checking out 10 Stoic habits that are more like life hacks that will help 2024, 2025, whatever year you're in. It doesn't really matter when you listen to the show.

These 10 principles have stood the test of time. Most of these things are people realize have value later on in life. This is a lot of hindsight stuff. A lot of people don't jump on until they're much older, but I thought, Hey, let's get a jump on them now and start integrating them in our life. Now, [00:02:00] why wait for the good stuff till later?

Right. By the way, my name is Brent. Welcome to the fallible man podcast. You're home for all things, man. Big shout out to fallible nation. That's our private community. It's actually open to the public right now. To get into the basic level of it. So go check that out. There's links down in the description of both the show notes and then the description, whatever platform you're on and a warm welcome to our first time.

Listeners. Hey, we know there's a lot out there fighting for your time. So thank you for checking us out. Thanks for spending some time with us. I hope you enjoy the show. Be sure to reach out to us. At the fallible man on most social platforms, or you can email us via our website, tell us what you thought of the show.

I'd love to get your opinion on it. Now guys, get ready for some ancient wisdom that still makes the cut in today's world, regardless of what year it is. Number one, living in the present, living in the present is akin to a mindful existence where [00:03:00] you immerse yourself in the current moment. Now we've all heard the idea of living in the present.

I've talked about it here in the past. It involves appreciating the richness of life unfolding around you in this moment. It's not the YOLO thing, but it's being detached from the burdens of the past and anxieties of things to come. This practice fosters more of a fulfilling and meaningful life experience by allowing you to fully engage With your current surroundings and enjoy what's happening now.

A lot of us get lost worrying about tomorrow and the next day and our five year plan, our tenure plan. And it's good to have plans, but unfortunately a lot of times we sacrifice the moment for those future plans. So learn to live presently in each moment. Number two, accepting what you can't control, recognizing and accepting and your limitations of control over external events is foundational for emotional wellbeing.

It [00:04:00] liberates individuals from a futile attempt to control uncontrollable shifting things that just are way outside of what you can individually deal with. Shift the focus towards internal responsibilities and adaptability. This acknowledgement of empower, this acknowledgement empowers people to navigate life's uncertainties with resilience and a sense of inner peace.

I still remember my aunt years ago. wrote me a copy of, I think it's called the serenity prayer. And it was my first experience in the idea of there are things that are just outside of my control that I have to just kind of accept are there. I can respond to it the way I choose to respond to it. But there are things just outside of my control.

Once you understand that. You can stop worrying about those things and having them tear up your inner peace. Number three, the power of choosing your perspective. [00:05:00] Choosing your own perspective is a potent tool that highlights the influence of mindset on your life experiences. By consciously adopting a positive and constructive viewpoint, you can transform challenges into opportunities.

The power to shape your own perspective allows for greater resilience and optimism in the face of adversity. It's, it's really a powerful tool that you have to wrap your head around. You get to decide how you're looking at it. Every single thing. I just recorded an episode with a story coach. And one of the things we talked about was the fact that you get to look at it however you want to look at it.

You're not forced to look at something a specific way. You choose how you view good, bad, and ugly. So. Take that power back and understand that you have the power to choose your perspective on things. Number four is self discipline and integrity. This is [00:06:00] something we talk about a lot here. Self discipline and integrity are crucial pillars for personal growth and success.

These qualities involve staying true to one's values, consistently making choices aligned with those long term goals. Through cultivation of self discipline and integrity, individuals build a strong foundation of personal development and achievement. And guess what? These principles have stood the foundation of time again and again.

So we're just going to keep adding them or keep talking about them as one of the foundational principles of the fallible man. Number five, embrace change. Viewing change as a catalyst for growth and opportunity. That's that perspective thing we were talking about is a mindset that sees transitions as a chance for personal and professional development.

Embracing change involves adapting to new circumstances and learning from experiences, recognizing the growth growth often occurs outside of one's comfort zone. And while that may be really uncomfortable, it's also profoundly [00:07:00] true. You rarely grow where you're comfortable. Number six, material pursuits.

This is really hard for our society. We live in a material world and I'm a material girl. No, not, I'm sorry. I'm giving away my age, acknowledging the futile of material pursuits, underscores the importance of prioritizing meaningful relationships, experiences, and personal growth over the accumulation of possessions.

True fulfillment is found in the connections and personal development, not. Material stuff. Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having stuff, guys, but I had a millionaire, a multi millionaire drive this concept home for me really well. The things that matter in life are people and personal oriented.

It's not stuff. He had this profound Perspective, [00:08:00] everything he had was great, but it was worthless if he couldn't share it with people he loved because it was just stuff emphasize the essence of purse purpose in your life, uh, people in your life of following a bigger picture, it really bugged me the other day.

I had a guy tell me, he was like, Oh, well, what's past that. Cause one of the things I always tell people is one of the things we're about here at fallible nation is. Understanding that there's something beyond quote unquote, the American dream, having the good job, having the family, having the house.

There's something beyond just going and making a living and acquiring more stuff and making more money. And that's probably why you're here today is you believe that as well, but he looked me square in the eye and was like, what's past that? I mean, that's what you do. You get those things and you just keep making money and building up your life.[00:09:00]

And it just, It was painful for me guys, because it wasn't the moment to try and pop that bubble for him. Material stuff is material stuff. It will come, it will go. Fortunes are made and lost overnight sometimes. All that can be taken away from you, and it doesn't give you purpose, and it doesn't give you a bigger life.

Number seven, managing your emotions. Effective emotional management is crucial for mental wellbeing. Understanding that regulating your emotions enables a more thoughtful decision making and healthier decision making process and healthier relationships is important. By cultivating emotional intelligence, individuals can navigate life challenges with greater resilience and maintain that positive connection with others.

Women frequently hit men with the idea of we don't express our [00:10:00] emotions. No, we express them. We just don't express them the same way. Okay. Men have emotions. You have emotions managing them differently. The women is not wrong. It's not bad. It doesn't make you broken, but also the ability to manage those emotions and not let them manage you is a very powerful trait that comes more inherently into men than other women than women.

Number eight, personal responsibility. Another thing we stand on another foundational belief here at the fallible man, emphasizing personal responsibility underscores the accountability of one's actions and choices. And this is something we sorely need in the current landscape of history. It involves recognizing the impact of those actions on oneself and others, and taking responsibility fosters a sense of agency and empowers individuals.

to actively shape their lives. Personal [00:11:00] responsibility gives you power

to live your best life. You can't thrive without it. These are not new concepts. These have been around for a really long time. Number nine is wisdom and knowledge. Valuing wisdom and knowledge. Beaks to a continuous pursuit of learning and understanding wisdom is not merely about the accumulation of information, but also about applying knowledge with discernment.

The quest for wisdom involves integrating knowledge into practical, meaningful aspects of life. You should always be learning and gathering wisdom. It will never steer you wrong. You'll never be wrong for it. Number 10 strength in forgiveness, recognizing that strength and forgiveness highlights the liberating power of letting go of resentment and embracing compassion.

Forgiveness contributes to personal peace [00:12:00] and growth by releasing the emotional burdens associated with holding onto grievances. It opens up a path to healing and fostering positive relationships. Guys, there's the old adage of, you know, the person been on revenge, might as well dig two graves. Being angry at somebody else only takes up space in your life.

It doesn't do anything to them, to them, and it doesn't help you. It just takes up space, emotional space and mental space in your life. They're living in your head, rent free. It doesn't do anything good for you to hold on to slights, hurts, angers, learn that forgiveness is strength. And just cause I like to throw in things extra.

Ignoring other people's opinions. Worrying about what other people think about you will only hurt you over and over again. It's a surefire way to completely decimate anything you're trying to achieve. [00:13:00] Everyone's wrapped up in their own life, so worrying about what other people think about yours and what you're doing just spins worthless cycles.

There's only a handful of people in your world, and I'm talking about specifically in your world, whose opinions should matter to you. And be really conservative with who those people are. And guys, those are 11 Stoic principles I threw in the extra one. And yes, number 11 is actually a Stoic principle.

But, those are 11 Stoic principles that have carried past the test of time. They've been around for a long time, and they will only make your life better. Now, it is Friday, and so, I've been really remiss about this. Sorry guys. But it's time for a podcast review because I do appreciate you guys leaving these out for me.

It really does help the show. So this one is from the anonymous Andrew podcast. I love, uh, when other podcasters review my show, [00:14:00] it means a lot to me. It says as a man, myself approaching my golden years and having made so many mistakes and poor choices in my life, I'm on my own personal journey to better myself.

Hopefully to recapture my manhood before, before I leave this earth, this podcast and the host Brent have opened up a whole new world for me of self improvement, healing, self confidence, self worth, and how to treat others in a way that I'd like to be treated. This could be a book. It should be a man's guide to living the fulfilling life.

Great job. You have a new listener. Melanies Andrew, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate it. And guys. These reviews really deeply help our show. It helps Apple podcast rank us up farther and helps get us in front of more people. So if you're enjoying the show, if you got something out of the show, please consider going over to Apple podcasts.

There's a couple other platforms you can leave, including my website and leave us a [00:15:00] review it, it does, it does a huge thing for getting us out to more people. So thank you for that. I'll try and get back in the habit of reading them. I haven't been reading them, so I've got a lot I can go through. And if you want to hear yours right here on the show, Hey, you have to leave me a review.

Right. That's how it works. That's a wrap for today's episode. Take a moment to think about these cool, stoic habits that have stood the trust time that we were talking about. They're not just big words. They're like everyday life, superhero powers. If you can adapt these into your life, it will make your life better.

And as you go through 2024 or 2025 beyond, try adding a dash of these timeless ideas in your life. Promise is only up no downs. Thanks for hanging out with us here on The Fallible Man Podcast. Until next time, remember, be better tomorrow because of what you do today and we'll see you on the next one.

This has been the Fallible Man Podcast. Your home for everything, man, [00:16:00] husband, and father. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a show. Head over to www.thefallibleman.com for more content and get your own Fallible man gear. I ain't waitin and wishin