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7 Powerful Strategies to Support a Loved One Through Addiction Recovery

7 Powerful Strategies to Support a Loved One Through Addiction Recovery

Do you have a loved one suffering from addiction? Are you searching for ways to offer them the support they need? In this blog, I’m going to outline 8 powerful strategies from Rob C Lohman, an author, coach, speaker and recovery advocate who has personally navigated through a myriad of chaotic challenges like divorce, double bankruptcy, substance abuse, addiction, suicide and prison. Drawing from his own experience, Rob will share how to provide the right type of support for a loved one going through addiction recovery. I’ll outline how he did it in detail and reveal the key to his success - The Addiction Cycle. So if you’re asking what strategies can I use to support a family member with an addiction, then you’ve come to the right place.

About Rob C Lohman

Rob C. Lohman is an author, coach, and speaker who is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and grow into the men they dream of being. With a history of chaos, Rob has learned to navigate it and has dedicated his life to helping others do the same. He is the host of two popular podcasts, Beyond the Bars Radio and Addiction, Freedom, and Faith, and has authored the book Addiction Intervention. Rob is a husband, father of two, and a devoted recovery advocate. He is a voice of hope, helping those struggling with addiction embrace freedom and faith to live an awesome life.

Why is it important to have strategies to support a family member with an addiction?

Having strategies in place to support a family member with an addiction is incredibly important, as it ensures that the family unit is able to maintain a healthy and supportive environment. Addiction can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience for all involved, and having strategies in place can help to mitigate some of the burden. Having strategies in place can help family members to better understand the addiction, how to best support their loved one, and how to create a safe and secure space for everyone.

Having strategies in place can also help to ensure that the addiction does not spread to other family members, as there are often underlying mental health issues that can be triggered by addiction. Having strategies in place can help to create a safe and secure environment for everyone, as well as providing the necessary resources and support for family members to cope with the situation. Strategies can also help to identify triggers and warning signs of addiction, allowing family members to take the necessary steps to intervene and help their loved one in a safe and effective manner.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Recognize the problem.
  2. Reach out for help.
  3. Develop healthy relationships and boundaries.
  4. Monitor usage and activities.
  5. Seek professional help, when needed.
  6. Commit to recovery and transformation.
  7. Work on developing coping skills and strategies.
  8. Focus on personal growth.


  1. Recognize the problem.

Recognize the Problem

Step 1 in addressing any issue is to recognize the problem. In this case, we are discussing addiction: both substance abuse addictions, and process addictions such as porn, shopping, and gaming. To recognize the problem, it is important to take a step back and think about how much time you are spending engaging in activities that can become addictive. Ask yourself if you have a dependency on these activities, and if it is interfering with your life in any way. It is also helpful to track your activity with an app or spreadsheet. Seeing how much time is devoted to these activities can be a wake-up call, and can help you to recognize the problem before it becomes worse. Additionally, it is important to be aware of how these activities make you feel. Do you feel compelled to do them? Do you feel out of control? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, it is a sign that you may be developing an issue with the activities.

Step 2: Talk to Someone

The next step to addressing addiction is to talk to someone. This could be a trusted friend, family member, or a professional. It is important to find a reliable person to talk to, as they will be able to offer advice and support. Talking to someone can help to ease feelings of isolation and shame, as well as provide an objective point of view. It is also beneficial to talk to someone who has experience with addiction, as they can offer insight into the best way to address the issue. If a professional is necessary, there are many counselors, therapists, and support groups available.

Step 3: Set Goals

The third step to addressing addiction is to set goals. This could mean setting a goal to reduce the amount of time spent engaging in addictive activities, or setting a goal to abstain completely. It is important to set realistic and achievable goals that are tailored to the individual. Setting specific goals and breaking them down into smaller steps can make them more manageable and easier to achieve. Additionally, it is important to set rewards for reaching these goals. This will help to encourage and motivate you to stay on track.


  1. Reach out for help.

Reach out for help.

The second step to take when trying to address an issue is to reach out for help. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as talking to a family member, friend, or a professional such as a therapist or a recovery coach. It is important to find someone who is willing to listen and provide support in a non-judgmental way. Seeking help can also be done by attending support groups or attending workshops that can provide education and guidance. It is important to remember that everyone’s situation is unique and there is no “right” way to approach the situation. It is important to find the best way for the individual to reach out for help. One way to do this is to identify the resources available in the local community and to seek out those resources. For example, if there is a recovery center in the area, it can be beneficial to reach out and ask for help. It is also helpful to ask for referrals from friends and family who may have had success in similar situations. It is important to remember that everyone has a different approach to their situation and it is best to find the best solution for the individual.

Another way to reach out for help is to take advantage of online resources that are available. There are many websites and forums dedicated to providing support and resources for those struggling with an issue. These online resources can be a great way to find information, connect with other people who are facing similar issues, and to access support and guidance. Additionally, there are many organizations dedicated to providing assistance to people in need. These organizations often have access to resources and professionals that can help with a variety of issues. Finally, there are hotlines that offer support and resources to people in crisis. These services are available 24 hours a day and can provide assistance to those in need.

It is important to remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength and courage to reach out for help. By finding the right resources and support systems, individuals can find the help they need to address the issue and move forward. It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and that the best way to reach out for help is to find the resources that best meet the individual needs.


  1. Develop healthy relationships and boundaries.

Developing healthy relationships and boundaries is an important step for anyone looking to take control of their life. Creating these boundaries starts with understanding your own values, limits, and boundaries. This means recognizing your needs and respecting yourself. Once you have a better understanding of yourself, you can start setting healthy boundaries with others. This includes both verbal and non-verbal communication to ensure that your needs are respected. It also involves being clear and consistent with your expectations. Lastly, be sure to give yourself the space to practice self-care and recognize when you need to take a break. Taking the time to develop healthy relationships and boundaries is an important part of improving your overall life.

Creating healthy relationships and boundaries also involves understanding the needs and boundaries of those around you. This means taking the time to learn about the values, limits, and boundaries of the people in your life. It also means being open to communication and understanding when someone has different needs than you. This can be a difficult process, as sometimes it requires making compromises, but it can lead to stronger relationships and more respect for everyone involved.

It’s also important to be aware of how your actions may influence the relationships and boundaries of others. Respect the boundaries of those around you, don’t take advantage of people, and be mindful of how your actions may affect their lives. This can help create an environment of mutual respect, which is essential for developing strong, healthy relationships and boundaries.


  1. Monitor usage and activities.

Monitoring usage and activities is an important step in helping someone with an addiction. It allows you to track the person's behaviors and determine if there is a problem. Monitoring usage and activities can be done in several different ways. One way is to use a tracking app or software to keep track of the person's online and offline activities. This includes what websites they are visiting, what they are posting on social media, and who they are communicating with. You can also use a parental control software to monitor what they are doing online and to set limits on their online activities.

Another way to monitor usage and activities is to keep an eye out for any changes in behavior. This includes changes in attitude, physical appearance, or habits. It's important to look for signs of potential addiction, such as withdrawing from friends and family, lying about activities, or neglecting responsibilities. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to bring it up with the person and discuss it openly.

Finally, it is important to have regular conversations with the person about their addiction and provide support. This can include encouraging them to seek help, providing resources, and offering emotional support. It is also important to set boundaries and consequences if the person does not follow through with the goals they have set. Having these conversations and providing support can be a powerful way to help someone manage their addiction.

It is also important to create a safe and supportive environment for the person with an addiction. This includes avoiding judgment and criticism, offering understanding and empathy, and providing a listening ear. It is important to remember that addiction is a complex issue and that it is not the person's fault. Creating an accepting environment can be a powerful way to help someone with an addiction.

Finally, it is important to stay informed about addiction and to continue to educate yourself. There are numerous resources available online and in books to help you learn about addiction and how to best support someone with an addiction. Staying informed and learning about the latest treatments and strategies can help you better understand addiction and provide more effective support.


  1. Seek professional help, when needed.

Seeking professional help when needed is a critical step in dealing with any kind of addiction problem. The first step to seek help is to recognize the issue and take ownership of it. Once you have accepted that you need help, you can begin to look for resources in your local community. These resources may include therapy, support groups, and addiction centers. You may also want to reach out to a coach or mentor who has experience in dealing with addiction problems. They can provide guidance and support in navigating through difficult times. Additionally, there are many online resources available, such as support groups and online courses that can help you better understand addiction and how to better manage your own struggles. Ultimately, no matter which resources you choose, it is important to remember that you are not alone in dealing with your addiction and that there are many people willing to help.

After taking the necessary steps to seek professional help, it is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This involves making sure that you are getting enough sleep and exercise, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in positive activities. It is also important to find ways to manage stress, such as talking to friends or family, meditating, or even taking a walk. All of these activities can help to reduce the risk of relapse and provide a sense of control and stability. Additionally, it is important to stay away from triggers that could lead to substance abuse, such as places or people associated with the addiction.

Ultimately, seeking professional help can be a difficult and overwhelming process, but it is integral for long-term recovery. With the right resources, support, and guidance, you can find the strength to overcome addiction and live a healthy and productive life.


  1. Commit to recovery and transformation.

Committing to recovery and transformation is an important step in overcoming addiction. It requires a conscious decision to make a change in your life and to take steps to make that change happen. First, it requires acknowledging the problem and accepting responsibility for it. This can be difficult, as it means accepting that you have an issue that needs to be addressed. It also requires making a commitment to go through the process of recovery and transformation. This means being willing to make changes in your life and to go through the necessary steps to make those changes. This may include attending therapy, attending support groups, and making lifestyle changes. It may also involve seeking out mentors or peers who can help guide you in the right direction. Finally, it requires a commitment to stay on the path of recovery and transformation, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. This means taking the necessary steps to stay on the path and to make sure that you are making the necessary progress. Committing to recovery and transformation is not easy, but it is possible and it is necessary for making lasting change in your life.

Making the commitment to recovery and transformation is an admirable act of courage. It means facing the difficult reality that addiction has taken over and that it is up to you to make the necessary changes. It also means understanding that it will be a long and difficult journey, and that it won't be easy. The road to recovery and transformation can be filled with highs and lows, but it is important to stay focused on the ultimate goal of lasting change. It is important to remember that change is possible and that you can make positive progress if you remain committed and consistent. Seek out the help of family and friends, as well as professionals and support groups, to stay on track and remind yourself that you are capable of making lasting change. With this commitment, you can make a lasting impact on your life and the lives of those around you.


  1. Work on developing coping skills and strategies.

Step 7 of the recovery process is working on developing coping skills and strategies. It is important to understand the common signs and symptoms of addiction and how they manifest in our lives. If we can recognize those signs, we can work on developing strategies

to cope with them. One way to do this is to identify triggers that lead to addictive behavior and practice techniques to cope with them. Some of these techniques include mindfulness, deep breathing, and positive self-talk. We can also practice relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy to help regulate our emotions and reactions. Additionally, it is important to develop healthy relationships with other people, as well as to spend time with those who are in recovery and understand the process. All of these strategies can help us to develop healthier coping skills and strategies that will help us manage our addictions.

At the same time, it is also important to have a plan in place for when we find ourselves in a situation where we are tempted to fall back into our old addictive behavior. This plan should have clear steps that we can take to help us stay focused on our recovery. For instance, having a list of activities that we can do when tempted, such as going for a walk or talking to a friend, can be helpful. We can also create a list of people that we can call when we’re struggling, such as a therapist, sponsor, or 12-step group member. Having this plan in place can help us stay on track and focus on our recovery.

Finally, it is important to remember that developing coping skills and strategies is a process that takes time and practice. We should be patient with ourselves and try to focus on the progress we are making, rather than any setbacks. With patience and dedication, we can develop the skills and strategies we need to face our addictions head-on and make progress towards a healthier and happier life.


Supporting a loved one through addiction recovery can be a daunting task. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to provide the necessary support and guidance needed to help them navigate through this difficult process. Rob C Lohman is an experienced recovery advocate and author who has shared his unique strategies for supporting a family member through addiction recovery. These 8 powerful strategies include recognizing the problem, reaching out for help, developing healthy relationships and boundaries, monitoring usage and activities, seeking professional help, committing to recovery and transformation, working on developing coping skills and strategies, and focusing on personal growth. With a strong support system and the right strategies, it is possible to provide the necessary support and guidance to help your loved one through addiction recovery. Believe in yourself and your loved one - you can make a difference in their life!

I’d love to hear how you apply The Addiction Cycle to get recovery, transformation, growth..

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